Filtro da Pesquisa

Tipo de Documento

Nível Bibliográfico






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Sem tipo de documento
[5402]82-2 THO S/1

Thornley, G. C.
Eleven Short Stories : Pleasant Books in Easy English / G. C. Thornley  ; ilust.: Betty Ladler. - London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1956 (1965) . - 79 p. ; 18,5 cm

CDU 82-2

Ladler, Betty (ilustrador)
[6705]94 TRE S/1

Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 1876-1962
History of England / by George Macaulay Trevelyan. - A new and enlarged edition. - London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1939. - XXII, 756 p.

CDU 94

Sem tipo de documento
[5358]82-2 BRI S/1

Brigth, J. A.
Six Short Plays / J. A. Brigth ; ilust.: W. B. White. - London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1956. - 118 p. ; 18,5 cm

Literatura inglesa -- teatro

CDU 821.111-2

White, W. B. (ilustrador)
Sem tipo de documento
[5403]82-2 INN S/1

Innes, Hammond
Campbell's Kingdom : Longmans' Simplified English Series / Hammond Innes ; ilust.: Eric Winter ; Adap.: Alan Ronaldson. - London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1958. - 118 p. ; 18,5 cm

Literatura inglesa -- teatro

CDU 821.111-2

Ronaldson, Akan (adaptador)
Winter, Eric (ilustrador)
Sem tipo de documento
[5353]82-2 END S/1

Endicott, M.
Seven Little Plays / J. G. e M. Endicott ; Rev.: Michael West. - London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1941. - 61 p. ; 18 cm

Literatura inglesa -- teatro

CDU 821.111-2

(responsável editorial)
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